Lightning in the eyes-causes and treatment

Everyone knows the expression “sparks from the eyes fell”. This phraseological turn means a rapidly passing flicker in the eyes after a head injury. But what if such flickering and flashes of light occur against a background of complete calm, without aggressive external influence-suddenly a white flash appears in the field of view, which immediately …

Flies, stars and spots in front of the eyes-the causes of the disease

Doctor, I have flies in front of my eyes!” Currently, complaints of this type remain the most common at an appointment with an ophthalmologist. In an extensive clinical study conducted by a British doctor, among the surveyed patients of ophthalmic offices, about 80% of people experience discomfort associated with this phenomenon. With severe discomfort, this …

Top non surgical cosmetic treatments

Retinopathy is a lesion of the inner shell of the eye-the retina. The main cause of retinopathy is vascular disorders that lead to circulatory disorders in the membrane. Disorders occur against the background of systemic diseases, among which problems of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, diabetes, and increased blood viscosity play a large role. With …

Medical specialties

Participated in conferences and congresses of ophthalmologists: International Symposium “Refractive disorders in children: diagnostics and optical correction”, Moscow (2010) Congress of Ophthalmologists of USA, Utah(2014) Symposium ” Modern ophthalmology. Violation of the organ of vision in peacetime and wartime”, Michigan (2016) Ophthalmic Hub Conference (2018) Retina Washington Conference (2018) two thousand one THAT “Optometry and …

For doctors

Ophthalmologist of the highest category, retinologist. He is engaged in the treatment of dystrophic diseases of the retina, macular degeneration, secondary cataracts, management and laser therapy of glaucoma. Is the author of more than 20 scientific publications, monographs and articles on ophthalmology, has 5 patents of USA for proposals for the diagnosis and treatment of …

DR Edward Armogan

Appointment of an ophthalmologist (optometrist) Ophthalmologist, appointment of an ophthalmologist According to the statistics of ophthalmologists, every second resident of Russia has some kind of vision problems. And if you count on a global scale, then people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, cataracts, retinal diseases and other eye abnormalities or disorders, more than 30% of the …